All content included on this website is the property of the company Imprestek, d.o.o. All rights reserved. Information and material on the e-mail address are protected by intellectual property rights of the company Imprestek, d.o.o., which has published this website for page visitors for informative and educational purposes and for communicating with the company Imprestek, d.o.o.
All information, material and data included on the company website are for information only. The company Imprestek, d.o.o. will attempt to provide optimum functioning of the website, but does not assume any responsibility and provide guarantees for uninterrupted use. All users use the website on their own responsibility. Neither the company Imprestek, d.o.o. nor any other natural or legal person that has cooperated in the creation, appearance and design of or is still involved in upgrades and new information and material shall be responsible for any damage, which might arise out of or in relation to access, use or the inability to use the information, material or ads or for any errors and faults in their content. Likewise, the company Imprestek, d.o.o. cannot be held responsible for any other damage (including those caused by viruses) to the computer equipment, mobile phones or any other application which enables access to the site, resulting from your visit to the site or from any use thereof. The company Imprestek, d.o.o. cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever, which might arise due to the use or the inability to use the website
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The company Imprestek, d.o.o. shall attempt to make sure the information on the website is accurate, up-to-date and complete, but shall not take any responsibility for their accurateness, up-to-dateness and completeness. No warranty or any assurance applies to the features of published products. The content or information contained on the website may be obsolete due to the delay in updating them. Please ask us about the condition, technical details and availability of products and services.
The content on the website is subject to the provisions of the legislation and regulations relating to personal data protection. Personal data, such as name, postal and e-mail addresses, are private and confidential. For that reason we store trusted personal information at a safe place. We do not forward personal data to third persons.
By sending your personal data you allow the company Imprestek, d.o.o., as the personal data controller, to use all sent personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of RS, no. 94/2007). Personal data may be used for notifying our clients about new features related to the company Imprestek, d.o.o. and for marketing purposes. The Personal data controller is the company Imprestek, d.o.o. Every individual may any time, in a written manner, ask the data controller, the company Imprestek, d.o.o., to permanently or temporarily stop using his/her personal data for direct marketing.
The company Imprestek, d.o.o. may at any time amend this notice, which is binding for users in each amended form, so we recommend you monitor them on these pages, if you are using them. Any use of the site that is contrary to the provided rules is forbidden. By using the website you express and confirm that you are informed of our terms and conditions and that you agree to them.
We are readily available for any additional information you may request. Refer to the contact information provided in Contact or send us an e-mail to